Creating a Blueprint in the Backoffice

In this article, we will explain how to create a blueprint in the Backoffice. Blueprints are used when creating products with variations.

Creating a Blueprint in the Backoffice

- Navigate to the top right corner to the [App store], identifiable by the 6 white dots.

- Search in the App store for [Product blueprints].

- Click on [Product blueprints] and a new screen will open.

- Here you can see all your blueprints, edit them, and add new ones.

When you click on [Create], you will be taken to a page where you need to fill in the following details:

[Attributes] - Here you can select the attributes that the blueprint will have.

[Name] - Enter the name you want to give to the blueprint.

At the bottom, there is the section [Enable/Disable Advanced Configuration]. Here you can fill in the following (optional):

[Synchronized Attributes] - The attributes are copied from the configurable product to linked products.

[SKU Pattern] - The SKU pattern is used when adding a new product for configurable.

[Title Pattern] - The title pattern is used when adding a new product for configurable.


When you are satisfied with the result, click on the green [Save] button.

Now you can find your blueprint when you create a product with variations. How to do this can be found in the following article: Creating a Product with Variations.