UBOs (Ultimate Beneficial Owners) are the individuals who are the ultimate owners of, or have the authority to make decisions about, an organization. Many organizations are required to register their UBOs in the UBO register.
UBOs (Ultimate Beneficial Owners) are the ultimate owners or individuals with decision-making authority within an organization. This includes individuals who own more than 25% of the shares in a private limited company (BV), or individuals who own more than 25% of a general partnership (VOF) or a limited partnership (maatschap), or individuals who hold more than 25% of the voting rights in the event of an amendment to the articles of association of a foundation or association. If no one holds such a stake of more than 25%, then the senior management, such as the partners or the statutory directors, are considered the UBOs. Every organization subject to UBO requirements has one or more UBOs.