New gift cards and existing cards with an outstanding balance can be imported using a CSV file
Importing these gift cards can be done through the "Import Gift Cards" app.
Creating Own Gift Cards with Barcodes
For issuing your own gift cards, you can print barcodes on a sticker sheet and then attach them to your gift cards. When you sell this card, scan the barcode and set the desired value on the card. It can then be redeemed in the store and on the website. Payment on the website can be made by entering a PIN code. This must be imported along with the barcode.
- Create a .csv file with the data you want to import. This should at least include a unique code (such as a barcode) and a PIN code (for redeeming the card on the webshop). An example of how to generate a barcode using Excel is included: Barcode sheet generator.
- Import this file with the "Import Gift Cards" app:
- Open the app in the app store.
- Select your CSV file and click next.
- Match the two columns (Barcode = Code and PIN is online pin).
- Select the correct customer line where import should start. Usually the 2nd line because the first line typically names the field names.
- Click on process and the import will start. Afterwards, you can see in the log what the success rate is and a log of imported cards.
- Cards are now in the system, and appear in your Gift Cards dashboard.
- Print the barcodes on a sticker sheet and attach them to the own gift card.
- When the gift card is sold to the customer, the value can be added using the 'Top Up' button on the POS. See the article "Using Gift Cards at the POS" for more information.
Importing Existing Cards
Gift cards that have already been issued to customers but are not yet in StoreKeeper can be read in the same way as importing your own gift cards as described above.
For this, create a CSV with the following fields:
- Code - the unique code of the customer card (match with *code)
- Balance - the outstanding amount on the card (match with balance)
- The customer's name, online PIN, or inventory and customer's email address are optional. When a customer comes to checkout with an existing gift card, it can also be chosen to link this card with the customer if desired.