Because we're dealing with money and transactions, there are several laws and regulations involved. Below, we'll explain what all of this entails.
To process your payments, we need several things from you:
If, for any reason, the financial onboarding process is delayed, that's not a problem. As long as the dossier is not complete, you can still receive payments via various channels. However, to clear payments (payouts), the dossier must be complete.
- Payment Agreement:
StoreKeeper collaborates closely with to process all payments, from PIN payments in the store to Bancontact payments on the website and everything in between. To utilize all these payment options, we enter into an agreement with each other. You as the customer, StoreKeeper as the 'All-in-One' system, and as the Payments Service Provider. We will send you this agreement.
- UBO Form:
UBOs (Ultimate Beneficial Owners) are the ultimate owners or individuals who have decision-making authority in an organization. Think of individuals who own more than 25% of the shares in a company. Or individuals who own more than 25% of a partnership or association, or have more than 25% voting rights in case of a statutory amendment of a foundation or association. If no one holds such an interest of more than 25%, then the senior management, such as the partners or the statutory directors, are the UBOs. Every UBO-obliged organization has one or more UBOs.
- Identification Proof of UBOs:
We need a copy of the identification document for all UBOs. In the case of a passport, the page with the photo is sufficient. For an ID card or (valid Dutch) driver's license, we need both the front and back sides.
- Copy of Bank Statement:
We need a copy of the bank statement for the account provided to 'StoreKeeper Payments'. On this statement, you may obscure the amounts and company names (excluding your own).
- Addendum:
In the case of 'sale of high-risk products,' we require a signed addendum. This document states 'I declare that I am aware of the content of this document' and will be sent to you by us.